Wichita Startup Week 2022

Wichita Startup Week 2022 Recap

Wichita Startup Week 2022 Recap

We were thrilled to host Wichita Startup Week 2022 again this year. As the central location for startup activity in Wichita, we’re a natural fit. There were more than 30 sessions, almost all of which took place at Groover Labs. We loved having so many enthusiastic founders and startup ecosystem supporters here throughout the week. They brought the energy and vibe we foster within our community.

Apply for Wichita Startup Week's Trade Show

Apply for Wichita Startup Week's Trade Show

You’ve probably heard that Wichita Startup Week 2022 is just around the corner, and it’s happening at Groover Labs. We hosted the first annual Startup Week last year, and we’re excited to host it again this year. One of the events, the Trade Show, will take place in our hotseat area on Thursday, October 13, from 1-5 p.m